Wednesday 15 January 2014

Our take on Moroccan pilaff

As you may have been able to see I am struggling to find the time to blog much at the moment. Little Miss is lots of fun at the moment so we are constantly on the go. We have got to the stage where she eats pretty much everything so dinners are just what us adults fancy. One of my New Years resolutions is to meal plan and to try at least one new recipe a week. So far we have had 2 weeks of meal planning. Not only has it really saved us money on our shopping (this weeks was half our average shop!!) but it also meant that we didn't have to rush out to buy some ingredients for a new recipe (or any recipe for that matter).

For today we had planned in a Moroccan pilaff. I never follow recipes to the letter and often like to add more veg or more variety of veg to dishes which is what I did to this one as it only had carrots. It also wanted almonds in but because Little Miss isn't at the whole nut stage I skipped that part.

Here is the recipe I used. It made enough for two large adult potions, a child portion and 2.5 lunch portions for tomorrow too.

2 medium onions, chopped
4 medium carrots, chopped (circles/semi-circles)
1 medium courgette, chopped to same size as the carrots
1/3 butternut squash, peeled and chopped to the same size again
1.5 tsp cinnamon
Some olive oil for frying
300g long grain rice, rinsed
A couple of handfuls of raisins/sultanas
A couple of handfuls of dried apricots, cut in half


1. Preheat the oven to 190 degrees Celsius.
2. Fry the onions in the oil and cinnamon for a few minutes
3. Add the other vegetables and cook for a further 5 or so minutes
4. Add the rice, raisins and apricots and stir to coat in oil
5. Put everything into a casserole dish but only coming up halfway. I had to use two! It helps if the dish(es) have lids.
6. Pour on 1 litre 125 ml of boiling water (from the kettle) over the mixture.
7. Cover with the lid or some foil and cook in the oven for around 45 minutes when the water should be absorbed and the rice should be cooked.

And voila! There you go. For the adults we did find we wanted to add some salt at the table.

My boyfriend always thinks he doesn't like fruit in savoury dishes but he did really enjoy this and so did Little Miss. The rice was nice and sticky for her to pick up some with her fingers or to feed herself with a spoon.


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