Monday 22 July 2013

Creating simple sandwich spreads

I make Little Miss' dad lunch most days for work. Sometimes it is extra dinner left over but often it is sandwiches. We have always struggled to find more inspiring things than different forms of houmous with salad/roasted veg (although we love houmous and there were quite a few variations. 

Sandwiches are a great thing to take out for Little Miss if we are having lunch on the go but I didn't want to end up in the same situation of only having one proper sandwich filling. 

A few posts ago you may remember the sandwich I made with spinach and mushrooms (among other ingredients) which didn't look particularly appetising but was delicious and liked by Little Miss. This week I decided to try a different vegetable filling and realised the possibilities are pretty endless! Any vegetable/pulse/herb can be used to create delicious spreads perfect for sandwiches.

This makes enough for at least 5 thickly spread sandwiches (probably more as I kept eating it off the spoon!)

Whole aubergine (eggplant)
1 cup cooked lentils (any colour)
Half a sweet potato
One red onion

Roast the vegetables in the oven until soft and browning.
Meanwhile cook the lentils as per instructions on the packet
Blend with stick blender/in food processor until quite smooth but some lumps are fine and I think actually add to it.

It is so simple and just shows one example of what can be done.

Enjoy creating any spread you fancy and experiment!


Wednesday 3 July 2013

Lemon and Blueberry Scones

These have been in the pipeline for ages and in fact I've had to buy the lemons I wanted for them twice because I kept getting distracted by other things and the lemons got used. I finally made them last week and I was not disappointed at all. They are not as dry as scones and have a nice shiny sheen on them like sticky buns. Again I didn't use any sugar in them; banana and blackstrap molasses were used instead. These were a perfect way to mix up our breakfasts (usually it is porridge or toast with no sugar jam or fruit) and a good thing to have as a quick snack if needed. Here is the recipe:


1 cup plain flour
1 tsp baking powder
1 mashed banana
1 tbs blackstrap molasses
Zest and juice of 1 lemon
Handful of blueberries


Preheat the oven to 180 degrees celcius. Mix the flour and baking powder then stir in the mashed banana (the riper the banana the better), molasses, zest and lemon juice. Finally stir in the blueberries. Form into around 8 round shapes and bake on a greased/lined baking tray for 10-15 minutes until firm to touch (a bit springy) and a medium brown colour (the molasses gives it a lovely brown colour). Let them cool down and store in an air tight box. These only last a few days so freeze some if you don't think you will use them in time.

Mini scones for mini fingers

I definitely enjoyed having these for breakfast with Little Miss. They have a big lemony hit which works really well alongside the blueberries and the deep molasses flavour. Enjoy!